Parenting Tweens
A Parenting Course and Support Group for this new stage of development
What does it take to parent a TWEEN?
Are you wondering how to support them as they navigate the giant, life changing transformation of ADOLESCENCE?
Not to mention all the freaky new stuff and access that comes along with it?
Wouldn’t it be AWESOME if you could still have or create a warm, connected relationship with your child even as they (and you!) undergo this transformation?
And wouldn’t it be great to not have to do it alone as parents? To have support for YOU?
6 week
Class and Support Group
For parents of 10-14 year olds
Facilitated by Magdalena García,
certified Hand-In-Hand Parenting Instructor and
Relationship Coach for Parents and their Children
This 6 week class will support you in acquiring new information, processing your own experiences as parents and problem solving your children’s behavior.
You will learn about the Listening tools that will help you put CONNECTION at the center of parenting your Tween. This will form the “SuperProtective Factor” for now and later in adolescence.
During the weekly in Person meetings, we will have time to meet all together and in small groups. With personal support from me and a community of like-minded parents, participants will have a chance to bring their questions and explore their experiences as parents using the Hand in Hand approach.
For this IN PERSON Parent Support Group, we will deep dive into CONNECTION strategies and how to keep those going even when it gets rough. We will focus on how to build, strengthen and inevitably, repair your relationship with your Tween.
In addition to our in person support time , this course includes an online classroom with videos and readings by Hand in Hand founder, Patty Wipfler, organized into manageable at-home assignments that consist of videos and readings that will change the way you think about parenting your tween from the first minute you begin. This Online Class is called Raising Happier Tweens: Staying Close and Enjoying Your Connection. The course is divided into 3 week sections, which we will spread out over our 6 weeks together to gather information about a mindset and skills that will help us stay connected to our tween/teen.
BONUS: The online course will provide you short videos, readings and anecdotes you can easily share with your parenting partners (which come in small digestible pieces) so they have the same information you do if they can’t join in person. You can check out the online course here.
6 weeks of in person meetings. 90 minutes, outdoors
THURSDAYS 9-10:30 am
April 21- May 26, 2022
Located in Torrance at a Family home, near Prospect and Del Amo Blvd
If you have questions before enrolling, feel free to email me at
Note*- The Self-Study Course costs $55 on the Hand In Hand Parenting website. Once you register and pay for this 6 week course, you will be given a code to access the self-study course for no additional cost.
Once you Register, you will be emailed information on how to pay and access the online course.