A Parenting Filtration System
I recently got this note from a parent I have had the deep honor of walking alongside for the past year as she navigates parenting.
Reading this made me feel so good for her, her children and her partner that she has created a system of support for herself for processing her experiences of parenting and preparing for potentially challenging times.
She has a filtration system.
She has a system for filtering her feelings so she can show up for her children in a way that matches her parenting values and meets the needs of her children.
A system for gaining perspective and tenderness.
Here’s a 3 minute video about some of the ways I filter my own experiences.
In addition to the 3 ways of filtering my experiences through Journaling, Dance and getting Listening time, there are 2 more ways of filtering my parenting experience- Time in Nature and Ceremony/Ritual.
In discovering over many years of practice just how helpful it is to be able to filter my experiences, my hope is to help other parents build, add to or reinforce their own parenting filtration system.
So I wonder… how do you filter out the gunk? How do YOU get back to Tenderness and Perspective?