Stay Listening to a Tween to build Resiliency

I took a deep breath and imagined that she was doing important releasing and healing and that if I could listen long enough that she would move through this moment, healing whatever was feeling challenging and then most likely, eventually, hopefully, get off the floor and get over it.

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Magdalena Garcia
Why I do what I do

My birth story is the landscape that still lives in me today, even after 48 years of life. It informs what I do with parents. It keeps me accountable to holding space for mothers and their babies of any age to repair and reconnect.

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Magdalena Garcia
My birth month, My birth story

June is my birthday month.

The month my mother gave birth to me, after I came too early for her to have a baby shower.

The month I was whisked away from her right after birth and she couldn’t see me for a day, even though she kept asking to be taken to me.

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Magdalena Garcia
The Unfolding: Parenting, Grief and Celebration

I have been journeying over the last few years to this moment, which feels like a birthing of sorts. A birthing of ideas which feel so personally relevant to me as a mother, a woman, a human, pulling together the many threads that have been weaving within me and around me throughout my life….

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Magdalena Garcia

Because of white supremacy and the need to survive, all ties to Native roots and even Mexican-ness have been erased, replaced instead with a Spanish identity. It’s not unique to my family. It is the special sauce of denial for survival that is endemic to the southwest.

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Magdalena Garcia
This Is The Beginning

Today is the beginning. The beginning of focusing on delight.

I know delight is an incongruous word to be throwing around right now. Conspicuous in its out-of-place-ness with the pandemic fear we are all facing.

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Magdalena Garcia